The dopewars network protocol
- (runhere)
- A single character field (equivalent to C's %c format).
- <ID>
- A numeric field - an integer printed in text form, without spaces, commas
or other punctuation. Note that the number is not stored directly as its
binary representation, but as a string - i.e. "100" takes 3 characters
(bytes), not one. Equivalent to C's %d format.
- "text"
- Freeform text, equivalent to C's %s format.
Anything else should be taken as literal characters, which should appear in
the message exactly as printed here.
dopewars clients communicate with the dopewars server by means of a TCP/IP
connection. Messages are sent in plain text, are of variable length, and
are always terminated by a linefeed character ('\n', ASCII code 10)
Messages themselves are typically split into 'words', delimited by the caret
(^) character. The underline character (_) is also used to break up
translatable strings (tstrings), if the A_TSTRING
ability is active, and thus these two characters, together with the \n
character, should normally be avoided in message data.
Messages are usually of the format:-
- <ID>^(A)(C)"data"
- ID = player ID (may also be blank if this is not applicable)
A = one-letter message subtype code (used by AI players)
C = one-letter message type code
data = message-dependent information
e.g. "1^AFHello player"
If ID is not specified, it should be left blank when sending to the server,
and should be ignored in reading messages from the server.
The "data" field often contains multiple items, separated by ^ characters.
Note that the last field in such a message should not be assumed to be
terminated by the message terminator, \n - although it always will be, it
should also be first terminated by the field separator, the ^ character.
This allows the client to ignore extra fields, if later versions
of the protocol should add them. (N.B. This does not apply to free-form text
messages, which _do_ extend to the end of the message; for these messages,
the caret is generally interpreted as a line break.) Note also that older
servers may not send all the fields, so if fewer fields than expected are
received, the client should substitute default values.
Message codes are shown below, together with the symbolic constants used in
the dopewars code for clarity (e.g. the 'A' code is represented by
For the AI codes, see the AICode type in src/message.h
N.B. Older versions of dopewars used a less
sophisticated protocol:-
- "From"^"To"^(A)(C)"data"
- A, C, and data are the same; however
"From" and "To" are the player names (not IDs) of
the players that the message is coming from and going to. Again, these can
often be left blank. This old protocol is used if the
A_PLAYERID ability is not present.
e.g. "Fred^Bert^AFHello player"
To start a game, the client must first notify the server of the protocol
it can support (with the C_ABILITIES message) and
then provide a suitable player name (with the C_NAME
message). Note that both of these messages must be sent using the
old protocol, as before protocol negotiation is
complete (both server and client have sent a C_ABILITIES message) the server
will default to using this protocol, for backwards compatibility. After sending
these two messages, the game is run mainly by the server; the client should
listen for incoming messages, and respond appropriately.
The messages listed below may be sent from a dopewars server to the client.
Most of these messages require some kind of processing to be done, and may
require a response. The client cannot safely ignore such messages, as the
server will not "retry" if the client does not respond.
- Sent when the server wishes the client to display some text
data = The text that the client should display; any ^ delimiters in
this text should be taken to mean a new line.
e.g. "^AAGame over^You made the high score list"
Answer required: no
- C_LIST ('B')
- Used by the server to tell the client about other logged on players
data = "name"^<ID>
name = the name of the player
ID = the numeric ID that should be used to communicate with this
e.g. "^ABFred^1"
Answer required: no
- Signals that all players have been listed (no more C_LIST messages to
e.g. "^AC"
Answer required: no
- Signals that the name provided by the client is unsuitable (usually, this
is because it's already been taken by another player)
N.B. This is always sent at the start of the game, before protocol negotiation,
so uses the old format, e.g. "^^AD"
Answer required: yes - must send a suitable C_NAME message to
- C_MSG ('E')
- Contains a message from one player (or the server admin) broadcast to all
connected players.
data = the message to display
ID = the ID of the player that sent the message
e.g. "1^AEHello world"
Answer required: no
- C_MSGTO ('F')
- Contains a private message from one player to another
data = the message to display
ID = the ID of the player that sent the message
e.g. "1^AFHello player"
Answer required: no
- C_JOIN ('G')
- Sent by the server to all players when a new player joins the game
(See C_LIST for format)
Answer required: no
- C_LEAVE ('H')
- Sent by the server to all players when a player leaves the game
data = the name of the player that's leaving
ID = the ID of the player
e.g. "1^AHFred"
Answer required: no
- Used by the server to tell a client that it has just moved to a new
location. (The client is not told where this location is, since this
information is contained in a C_UPDATE message.) Clients usually reset any
location-dependent state (e.g. fights) on receiving this message, and flash
a "subway" indicator or similar
e.g. "^AI"
Answer required: no
- C_UPDATE ('J')
- Used by the server to update client state. This is also used to tell the
player about the state of another player (a report from a spy)
data = <cash>^<debt>^<bank>^<health>^<coatsize>^<locn>^<turn>^<flags>^<GUNS>^<DRUGS>^<DRUGVALUE>^<bitches>
cash, debt, bank = money available, owed to the
loan shark, in the bank
coatsize = amount of space available for drugs/guns
locn = zero-based game location
turn = turn number
flags = player status flags - see PlayerFlags in src/dopewars.h for
the individual binary bits. The only one currently used is SPYINGON (16) which
is set if the player is currently spying on one or more other players
GUNS = the numbers of each gun carried, separated by ^ characters
(there should be NumGun numbers in this list - see the C_INIT message)
DRUGS = similar, for carried drugs
DRUGVALUE = similar, but contains the total cash value of each drug;
N.B. this field is only sent if the ability
A_DRUGVALUE is present
bitches = number of accompanying bitches
ID = blank for a status update, otherwise the ID of the player that
you're spying on
Answer required: no
- Tells the client which drugs are available to buy at the current
data = drug prices, separated by ^ characters. If a price is zero,
that drug is not available here
Answer required: no
- Tells the client to start up the "gun shop", for buying/selling guns
e.g. "^AL"
Answer required: yes - zero or more C_BUYOBJECT messages, followed by a
C_DONE message
- Tells the client that the player has a chance to pay back the loan
e.g. "^AM"
Answer required: yes - an optional C_PAYLOAN message, followed by a
C_DONE message
- C_BANK ('N')
- Tells the client that the player has a chance to visit the bank
e.g. "^AN"
Answer required: yes - an optional C_DEPOSIT message, followed by a
C_DONE message
- Used to display a message from the server that requires a response
data = "keys"^"message"
keys = a list of the valid single-character responses - e.g. "YN" for
a yes/no question; the client may use these keys directly, or expand them to
complete words (e.g. YN -> Yes/No)
message = the message to display
e.g. "^AOYN^Would you like to visit the bank?"
Answer required: yes - a C_ANSWER message, containing one of the valid
response keys
- Used for the server to tell the client about a high score; C_HISCORE
messages should only ever be sent after a C_STARTHISCORE message and before a
data = <index>^(B)"score"
index = the zero-based index of the high score (0 is the top
B = the single character 'B' if this score should be displayed in
bold (usually to indicate that it's "your" score) or 'N' otherwise
score = the text containing the score, date, and player name
Answer required: no
- Tells the client that the server is about to send it a list of high scores;
usually used by the client to display the title of a high score screen
e.g. "^AR"
Answer required: no
- Tells the client that the server has sent all of the high scores; usually
used by the client to display a prompt to end the game (if data="end") or to
return to the game (if data is not "end")
data = "end" if the game has finished, blank otherwise
e.g. "^ASend"
Answer required: no, but the client should disconnect if data="end"
- C_PUSH ('Z')
- Requests that the client leave the server
e.g. "^AZ"
Answer required: no, but the client should disconnect
- C_QUIT ('a')
- Notifies the client that the server is about to terminate
e.g. "^Aa"
Answer required: no, but the client should disconnect
- C_RENAME ('b')
- Instructs the client that another player has changed his/her name
data = the new player name
ID = the player's ID
e.g. "1^AbFred"
Answer required: no
- C_INIT ('k')
- Tells the client about various global game settings
data = "version"^<numloc>^<numgun>^<numdrug>^"bitch"^"bitches"^"gun"^"guns"^"drug"^"drugs"^"date"^<ID>^"loanshark"^"bank"^"gunshop"^"pub"^(prefix)"currency"
version = dopewars version of the server - e.g. "1.5.2"
numloc = the number of locations in the game
numgun = the number of guns in the game
numdrug = the number of drugs in the game
bitch, bitches, gun, guns, drug,
drugs, date, loanshark,
bank, gunshop, pub = various names used in the
ID = the ID that the client should use to refer to itself
prefix = '1' if the currency symbol (e.g. $) should be printed before
prices in the game, '0' otherwise
currency = the currency symbol to use
e.g. "^Ak1.5.2^8^4^12^bitch^bitches^gun^guns^drug^drugs^12-^-1984^0^the Loan Shark^the Bank^Dan's House of Guns^the pub"^1$
Answer required: no
- C_DATA ('l')
- Tells the client about various game settings - 4 variants on this message
are possible:-
- Information about locations in the game
- data = <index>^A"name"
index = zero-based index of the location
name = name of the location
e.g. "^Al0^ABronx"
- Information about drugs
- data = <index>^B"name"^<min>^<max>
index = zero-based index of the drug
name = name of the drug
min = the minimum price of the drug
max = the maximum price of the drug
e.g. "^Al1^BCocaine^15000^29000"
- Information about guns
- data = <index>^C"name"^<price>^<space>^<damage>
index = zero-based index of the gun
name = name of the gun
price = the normal cost of the gun
damage = the maximum damage that the gun can do
e.g. "^Al2^CRuger^2900^4^4"
- Miscellaneous information
- data = 0^D<spy>^<tipoff>
spy = the price to spy on another player
tipoff = the price to tip off the cops to another player
e.g. "^Al0^D20000^10000"
Answer required: no
- data = "attack"^"defend"^<health>^<bitches>^"bitchname"^<killed>^<armpct>^(fightpoint)(runhere)(loot)(canfire)^"text"
attack = name of the attacker player/cop if applicable (if blank,
it's you)
defend = name of the defending player/cop if applicable (if blank,
it's you)
health = defender's health, if applicable
bitches = number of bitches/deputies accompanying the defending
bitchname = usually "bitch", "bitches", "deputy" or "deputies"
killed = number of bitches killed in this attack
armpct = a number between 0 and 100 showing how heavily armed the
attacker is
fightpoint =
- The "defending" player has just arrived on the scene
- 'S' (F_STAND)
- The "attacking" player chose not to shoot
- 'H' (F_HIT)
- The "attacking" player fired on the defender, and hit
- 'M' (F_MISS)
- The "attacking" player fired on the defender, and missed
- 'R' (F_RELOAD)
- The "attacking" player is ready to fire again
- 'L' (F_LEAVE)
- The "attacking" player has fled the fight, but other opponents remain
- The "attacking" player has fled, and nobody else is present, so the fight
is over
- The "attacking" player tried to get away, but failed
- 'G' (F_MSG)
- Nothing exciting has happened, but "text" should still be displayed
runhere = '1' if running should take you to the current location (if
'0', you should jet to another location)
loot = '1' if the attack resulted in a kill and a loot of the body
canfire = '1' if you are allowed to shoot at other players right
text = explanatory text from the server, to be printed
Answer required: yes, depending on the message contents: usually a
- Negotiates protocol extensions between client and server
data =
playerid = '1' if we use player IDs rather
than player names to identify players in network messages ('0' otherwise). It is
strongly recommended that this new protocol be used, as the old protocol is
difficult to properly support, and is deprecated. However, the new protocol is
only supported by servers of version 1.5.0 or above. (N.B. Since the old
protocol does not support the C_ABILITIES message either, before the client and
server have exchanged C_ABILITIES messages the server will "talk" using the old
protocol. Thus, the C_ABILITIES message itself from the client, and any
succeeding messages sent before the server sends C_ABILITIES back, must be
sent using the old protocol. "Old" servers will ignore the C_ABILITIES
message.) Ability name in dopewars code: A_PLAYERID
drugvalue = '1' if the server should keep
track of how much players paid for their drugs, so that they can see whether
they're getting a good deal when they come to sell them ('0' otherwise).
Ability name in dopewars code: A_DRUGVALUE
newfight = '1' if we use the "new" fighting
interface (documented here). Highly recommended. Ability name in dopewars
tstring = '1' if names of drugs etc. should be
sent in the translated string (tstring) notation;
only necessary if you are supporting non-English languages. Ability name
in dopewars code: A_TSTRING
donefight = '1' if, when a fight finishes,
the client is expected to send a C_DONE message to instruct the server to
move on. (This is to allow the user to close the fight dialog before any
new dialogs pop up.) Ability name in dopewars code: A_DONEFIGHT
utf8 = '1' if all strings are sent over the
network in UTF-8 (Unicode) encoding, rather than an encoding specific to
the locale of the server or client. Ability name in dopewars code:
date = '1' if the C_INIT message sends/receives
the Names.Date variable, rather than Names.Month and Names.Year as older
versions used to. Ability name in dopewars code: A_DATE
N.B. Only seven abilities are listed here. Older servers or clients
may not only not support some of these abilities, they may not even know
of their existence (conversely, newer versions may add new abilities). Thus
all servers and clients, if passed an unexpectedly short abilities string,
should pad it out with zeroes. If passed a long string, it should be truncated.
This will cause these extra (or unspecified) abilities to be unsupported.
(The order of the abilities string should never change.)
e.g. "^^Ar1010000" (N.B. the double ^ is a feature of the "old" protocol)
The messages are below are typically sent from the client to the server. Note
that players do not communicate directly between each other, but always via
the server. Note also that some of these messages are also valid when sent
from the server to the client.
- C_MSG ('E')
- Contains a message from one player to be broadcast to all connected
data = the message to display
e.g. "^AEHello world"
- C_MSGTO ('F')
- Contains a private message from one player to another
data = the message to display
ID = the ID of the player to send the message to
e.g. "1^AFHello player"
- Requests the server to buy or sell an object
data = "type"^<index>^<amount>
type = "bitch", "gun" or "drug"
index = the zero-based index of the gun/drug that you want to
buy/sell, or zero if type="bitch"
amount = the number of objects to buy (or, if negative, to sell)
e.g. "^ATbitch^0^1"
- C_DONE ('U')
- Sent by the client when it's finished with the loan shark, bank, or gun
e.g. "^AU"
- Asks the server to jet to a new location (or to run from a fight)
data = the numeric, zero-based, location to jet to
e.g. "^AV2"
- Asks to pay back a loan to the loan shark
data = the amount of money to pay back
e.g. "^AW5000"
- C_ANSWER ('X')
- Sends the reply to a previous question from the server
data = the single character response
e.g. "^AXY"
- Asks to deposit money into (or withdraw money from) the bank
data = the amount of money to deposit, or (if negative) the amount
to withdraw
e.g. "^AY10000"
- C_NAME ('c')
- Sent by the client to register the player name with the server
data = the player's name
N.B. this is always sent at the start of the game, in which case the old
format should be used, e.g. "^^AcFred"
- Requests that a bitch should be sacked
e.g. "^Ad"
- C_TIPOFF ('e')
- Asks the server to tip off the cops to another player
ID = the player ID to tip off the cops to
e.g. "1^Ae"
- C_SPYON ('f')
- Asks the server to spy on another player
ID = the player ID to spy on
e.g. "1^Af"
- C_WANTQUIT ('g')
- Tells the server that the client wishes to leave the game early
e.g. "^Ag"
- Asks the server to send back reports about all the players that we are
currently spying on
e.g. "^Ah"
- Asks the server to send back the high score list
e.g. "^Aj"
- C_FIGHTACT ('n')
- Responds to a previous C_FIGHTPRINT message
data = "F", "S", or "R"
F = return fire
S = stand and take it (do not return fire)
R = try to run away
N.B. If "runhere" is not set in the C_FIGHTPRINT message, the "R" response
should not be sent - a C_REQUESTJET message should be sent instead.
e.g. "^AnF"
- Notifies the server of supported protocol features. See the explanation
for the corresponding server message.
The client will receive this message in response to a previous C_ABILITIES
message that it sent to the server. This reply message contains the abilities
that the server is willing to support. The client should compare these to
those that it previously offered, and then use only those abilities that both
client and server support. (If the server does not support the new protocol,
no C_ABILITIES reply message will be sent, and the client should assume that
no abilities are supported.) The server will expect all client messages
after the C_ABILITIES message to be compliant with these abilities.
- client sends "1110111" (supports everything except
- server responds with "1011011" (supports everything except
- client should adopt the abilities "1010011"
Last update: 02-09-2002
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