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dopewars is a free Unix/Win32 rewrite of a game originally based on "Drug Wars" by John E. Dell. The idea of dopewars is to deal in drugs on the streets of New York, amassing a huge fortune and paying off the loan shark, while avoiding the ever-annoying police. The Unix/Win32 rewrite, as well as featuring a so-called "antique" mode which closely follows the original, introduces new features such as the ability to take part in multi-player games. dopewars aims to be highly configurable, and what you can't change in the configuration files you can change by poking around in the source, which is freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License.
ADVISORY: dopewars is not recommended for children below 16 without parental supervision. We also do not condone real-life drug dealing.
dopewars runs on Unix (e.g. Linux, Solaris, Mac OS) systems and Win32 (Windows 7 or later).
A framework for writing AI clients for dopewars with Perl (and a simple example client) is available courtesy of Dave Madison here. A version of dopewars which implements an improved AI, using a behaviour-based architecture, is also available.
If you have a question about dopewars, first check the FAQ to see if it's already answered there. Otherwise, open an issue.
If you discover a bug in the version you have, check the download page for a later version (or try the development code at GitHub); chances are that the bug has already been reported and it's been fixed. If not, open an issue.